Your Law Firm for LLC Formation, Nonprofit Formation and Estate Planning

Welcome to the McCartha Law Firm LLC, where our purpose is to serve you in a genuinely meaningful way that also provides you and your family real value.  In fact, our mission is to provide REAL MEANING and REAL VALUE. We primarily do this in four (4) ways (Teaching, Equipping, Empowering, Protecting) and in (4) primary areas of practice.

We want to teach, equip, empower and protect you! — Recently I was discussing with my son at dinner how we do what we do for people and why, and he simply said “Dad, that is what you need to tell people why they should hire you…” because what we do is different — what is different? Well, we generally take between 1 to 2 hours and listen to your needs and actually TEACH you how the law actually works in plain language and how you can use it to your greatest advantage in a way that makes sense to you (EMPOWERMENT) all with an eye towards PROTECTING you, your family, and your future. 

At McCartha Law, we have represented countless people and organizations in Alabama, the United States, and even internationally for twenty-two plus years. Over the years, we have fostered a reputation for being hands-on and attentive, and our goal is to make the complex simple and meaningful for you! We believe in providing comprehensive legal assistance that allows you to focus on more important matters, something that is reflected in the quality of our work.  To learn more about how we can help, we invite you to call us at the McCartha Law Firm, LLC to schedule a consultation.

We really want to teach you what you are getting from our firm. How to use it, what it can do for you and how to keep it strong.

Let us Make it Real for You.

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